Reclaiming Consciousness

The Simple and Practical Ways to Sustain 5 Figure Months as a Healer

Alyse Bacine Season 1 Episode 108

"If we really want to grow the business and continue to make more money, it's important to have a strong focus in why we're doing what we're doing and where is it leading people."

Today's episode is an edited version of the free six-figure healer training I recently did. You'll learn how to create your process, its parts, how to better articulate what your business offers, create a pricing strategy, grow your audience and more. 


(00:00) Intro
(01:55) In today’s episode
(04:09) The Metamorphosis Method
(04:49) The Sacred Six Figure Initiation
(05:19) The Mothership
(06:13) Real Results
(07:40) Win a $250 credit to apply inside my world
The episode  
(07:51) Introducing the six-figure healer. Standing out, my own perspective and process 
(12:00) Being able to explain what I do in a clear way 
(15:15) Creating a Process and breaking it down into parts 
(18:26) Addressing multi-dimensions to shift energy on different levels 
(20:44) Developing your mind-blowing perspective 
(26:00) You already have a Process. Predictable results and being known for that
(29:34) My Process and its parts 
(39:26) Fun homework assignment 
(40:00) Separating the spiritual from the business 
(42:47) Private premium packages and group programs 
(45:25) Energetic Stepping Stones and Cash Flow 
(51:00) Pricing Strategy 
(57:13) Growing your Audience and Services 
(61:43) Changes in the industry


  • Get the full Six-Figure Healer Training here 
  • The Metamorphosis Method has started, but you have until the end of the month to join. The skill set you acquire from this program for creating transformations is truly indescribable. I provide you with dimensions on how to work with clients.
  • The Sacred Six Figure Initiation In these sacred 10 months, you will be initiated into the new paradigm of business where you get to thrive in all areas of life and share your unique frequency with the world to create your own heaven on earth. Starts December 5th and there's an early bird pricing until mid November.
  • Gain access to my entire body of work through The Mothership  It is EVERYTHING you need to evolve, ascend and live your life in a completely different way. Early bird pricing ends this month.
  • Join Real Results today and take advantage of the special pre-sale. I’ll show you how to take the knowledge and information that you've gotten from the healing work that you've done around your family programming: the mother wound, the father wound, your limiting beliefs, your money beliefs, and apply it to create actual results in your life. 


But I'm not gonna tell you what to charge. You should always figure that out for yourself and start at what feels good because I always say the best way to embody pricing is by charging something and then feeling that it wasn't enough or it didn't feel good, and then you raise it, and then you're embodied in it because you feel that other thing wasn't enough, so you feel that this next thing is. And it's embodied because you experienced it. How do I wanna structure this in a way that feels really good to me? What does the client journey look like, and where am I leading people into, and how does it all fit together?

It really does require planning things out and just thinking about it from a higher level rather than just, like, going from 1 thing to the other. I think genuine human connection is what is going to not only sell things, but also provide value for people.

Alyse: Welcome to Reclaiming Consciousness. My name is Alyse Bacine, spiritual mentor, breathwork practitioner and owner, and CEO of Alyse Breathes. For many years, our consciousness has been hijacked by societal and cultural programming, religion, the media, and familial and ancestral trauma. Right now, during this epic time in history, people are waking up, realizing who they really are and reclaiming the pieces of their consciousness that they unknowingly gave away.

This podcast is an exploration of how so many spectacular humans are leading the way in exiting the matrix and reclaiming who they really are and what they're capable of. In this show, you'll meet exceptional people who are paving the way in raising conscious. And creating a new way of living on this earth.

Get ready to go deep now. Let's dive in.

Hi, everyone. Welcome back to the show. So please excuse my voice. I'm just getting over being sick and having a sore throat. So I know I sound a little different right now.

So bear with me. This week, I have a really great episode for you. So basically, what I've done is, last week, I did this free event called the 6 Figure Healer, and it was just so good. I asked my podcast producer to take the 2 and a half hours of trainings and pair it down into 1 hour of just like the highlights. And then I I will have the full training available for those of you who didn't get it in a link below.

So if you want to hear the whole entire training, you can click on the link below and you'll get the entire training sent to your inbox. So basically, this training, I focused on very practical things of how to create 5 figure months and sustain them and create a 6 figure business as a healer. And I literally just showed you how I did it, meaning, like, the how, like, how the money stacked, how I became known in the industry for what I do, how I articulate my process, and how I brought in clients that way. So it's very, like, tangible stuff that you can take and apply into your own business. And even if you don't have a business but you're thinking about starting 1 at any point, this is such good information because I really wanted people to be able to see exactly what I did.

Like, just like complete transparency of, like, this is the way that I was thinking of things. This is how the money came in. This is how I brought the clients in, and it's just, like, very, very straightforward. And I feel like in the space that we're in right now, this kind of information is so important, like simple, focused, and tangible. So that's what this is, and I'm really excited to share it with you.

And then also, it kind of leads you into there's multiple different ways that you can go deeper with this information and apply it depending on where you are. 1 of those ways is coming into the certification where I teach you my process and then you subsequently end up creating your own process based on the foundational skills that I give you inside of my process. And that's kind of what everyone has done who's come into the certification is taken, like, I've helped them lay the foundation, give them the knowledge experience and the training, and then they go and create their own process. So that's the metamorphosis method certification. Again, I'm only accepting people into that until the end of this month.

So reach out to me if you want to chat about that. And there is an extended payment plan available. And then also, if you have a business and you want to sustain 5 figure months and 6 figure years, the sacred 6 figure initiation is another natural lead in from this information because that is more of like a business container where, yes, I teach you how to channel for your business and create frequency emanating content, but I also just show you these very practical things of how to sustain 5 figure months and 6 figure years in your business. So that's that. And then also just a couple more things, the mothership membership, which includes all of my programs and master classes, plus a live q and a with me once a month, plus a live breath work session with Hani, 1 of my trained metamorphosis method breath work practitioners, um, plus a Telegram chat, all of the things.

It's really kind of everything you need to clear the way to creating whatever it is you wanna create in your life, 5 figure months in your business. And if you don't have a business, just really beginning to live in a way that is honoring the truth of who you are. So the mothership is right now 5 5 5 a month, and that price is gonna be going up to 6 97 after February is over. So if you've been interested in the mothership, and I know a lot of you have because there's been a lot of people asking me questions about it, now is a great time to jump in before the price goes up. And then additionally to that, the next program that's gonna be coming forward inside the mothership, but you can also get it separately as my program called Real Results.

And that is a very straightforward program of how to take the personal growth and healing work that you've already done and apply it to create real tangible results in your life. So this is 5 calls where I go really deep in showing you how to shift your energy, shift your thinking, and shift your perspective in each moment to apply the things you learned to create a different reality for yourself and to create real results in your life. Because I see that so many people have done all this work and figured out, you know, why they do this and why they do that, but then they don't actually know how to apply it to create actual tangible changes in their lives, and this program is for that. So that's gonna be kicking off at the end of March. And if you join the mothership, that will be part of it.

Also, if you join Real Results on its own, then you'll have the opportunity to apply what you paid for real results to join the mothership after that if you desire. So real results right now is in presale, so it's only 1 1 1 1, 1111 dollars right now. And there's a 3 payment payment plan. It's super easy to join. We will put the link for that below.

Um, so that's everything that's going on right now. I'm going to rest my voice and enjoy the episode. Don't forget to rate and review the show, and and we'll send you a 250 dollar credit when you send us your screenshot. I'm sending you so much love, and I will talk to you soon. Welcome to the 6 figure healer.

I am really excited to be sharing this information with you. I'm gonna be mainly talking about the process and having your own process, and then I'm gonna be going into more of the mechanics of having 5 figure months and then also just some of these changes I'm seeing in the industry. Just to give, like, a little background of where this came from, I often reflect on, you know, what has happened in the last 3 or 4 years in my business and how I did certain things and why certain things are really important. And then I also reflect on, you know, when I work with clients and where they hit walls or what they come up against and then how I can look at what I did and break it down to teach it in a way that is a, gonna be easy to understand, but b, just highlight some of the things that I think are super important in order to sustain certain income levels and a certain level of success in the industry as a healer, but also to stand out and become known for not only your results, but the way that you get people there.

Right? And I think for me, 1 of the things that has always made me stand out is just the things that I allowed myself to be known for as I was growing my business and then also the way that I get people there, right, and how I'm always talking about that and why that works. Part of my unique perspective is the fact that I have been doing this for a very long time. So it has provided me with a different way of looking at the world as I grew and evolved as not only, you know, like a healer or a business owner, but just as a human. Over time, I've always been teaching and sharing breath work.

It's always been a part of my life. I didn't start my business until later on, but that's always been a very big anchor point for me into kind of how I identify and what I'm known for in the business. So, you know, when I first started my business and I was first going on podcast, for example, it would always be like breath work, breath work, breath work, and I got really, really good at talking about what it is, why it works, and what it does, right, and my unique perspective on that. That was something that I feel like I grew things really fast because people would hear me on a podcast talking about breath work, and they would be like, oh, wow. You know, she knows what she's talking about.

I wanna do that. That's something I need. That was always 1 of those things that I was able to anchor into very quickly as I started my business. So I'm gonna talk about that a little more as we move on. I don't wanna get ahead of myself, but having something that you can really anchor into as, like, what you do and having your unique perspective on it is something that I think is really important.

The breath work kind of evolved into all these other things, eventually turned into what my process is, which is breath work, energy work, and my trauma clearing tools. And they kind of, like, evolved out of each other because as I started doing breath work with people, I naturally just started channeling energy work and kind of, like, working with their energy field to shift things as I felt called to, and then I made a process out of that. Also, working as a mental health professional with traumatized children for 10 years, I learned what trauma looks like, how it shows up, and how to see it at the deepest level and clear it. So that was, like, another thing that kind of evolved from not only the breathwork piece, but also my experience that started to turn into this process that I created. And now I call it the metamorphosis method.

It's a certification, all of the things. But having my unique process is the thing that I feel, like, really allowed me to be set apart and have an expertise in something and become known for it. And then the other piece of this, and I'm gonna talk about this too as I go into the presentation, is being able to explain it in a way that really makes sense for people. And I think that this is a thing that a lot of healers can struggle with is explaining what it is that they do in a very, like, grounded, tangible way so that people can understand it in their logical mind. Sometimes still our logical brain needs to understand why things work in a very, like, tangible and 3 d way.

So it's really important to be able to explain things in a way that people can understand, and it's really simple. And I think this is the other thing that and I know for me, this was something that was really hard for me to do, and especially for people that are, like, so tuned into energy and all of the things that are going on. And I would, you know, work with somebody, and I would be able to feel and see all of these things that were going on on all of these different levels. And then to try to put it in the into words, it almost felt like any kind of word that I would would say to describe it would be way oversimplifying it and not doing the justice that it deserves. And then because of that, I would try to explain it in all of these ways and say all of these words and all of these different things until it just sounded like a bunch of garbledygook.

Didn't really make sense. So 1 of the things I learned is that I had to be able to separate helping people to understand what it is that I do. And then also what it is that I actually do, because they're actually 2 different things. It's okay that I don't explain every single thing that's going on because it's an experience. Right?

It's the same thing as, like, if you try to describe meditation, you can't really describe it. You just have to experience it. You know? But we do wanna be able to describe what we're doing in a way that people can grab onto it and say, oh, that makes sense to me. I get that, and I think that's something that I need or I think that's the missing piece for me.

I know that there's a lot of stuff out there around, like, how to grow your business and sales and marketing and your programs and all of these different things. But, like, based on my experience and just how I've grown my business and also just what I believe in just from, like, an integrity perspective and just, like, what I believe in is that if you get predictable results with your clients, your business will grow. And that is also just because people will tell other people about you. Right? Like, I have gotten so many clients just from referrals, especially in the beginning.

And then also on an energetic perspective, it gets bigger and bigger. So I really do believe that becoming known for your results is 1 of the biggest driving forces in growing your business. And then also knowing that you're known for your results. Right? Like, holding that energy that that is who you are and what you do and kind of, like, holding that as an energy around your business.

The process. How I get clients from a to b that is a reliable process that can be broken down into parts. Right? So we wanna be able to have a process that we do with people that we can break down into parts and explain why these parts work and why these parts are necessary to creating a result, and not only that, how these parts are different than others think. This is not something that, like, you can figure out immediately, but this is something that over time has really evolved for me.

And I've noticed that as I get better and better at being able to articulate these things and explain these things, then it gets easier and easier to bring people in. For me, 1 of the things that I focus on with my process is being able to address multiple levels with clients. And I think that this is really important as a healer and just as a practitioner is being able to not only address multiple levels, but also articulate how you address multiple levels. Right? So I'm always talking about how I address the body, the mind, and the emotional or the energetic field through my work.

And I think that it's really important to articulate and illustrate how you can address multiple layers with people. Right? So it's not just about the mindset. It's not just about energy work. It's not just about the body.

It's about how we can address all of these things and make them go together so that we can create a result that is tangible and long lasting. Right? Because I do think that if we're just focused on 1 thing, then it kind of creates this, like, 1 dimension with people. Then sometimes the work or the results can go flat a little bit because we're only working in, like, 1 dimension. So for example, if we're just working on, like, mindset or perspective shifts or we're just talking to somebody, it's like we only got so far until we address it in the other dimensions, right, in the energy in the body.

So I do think it's important to, like, reflect for yourself how this could look in your work potentially and how you do address multiple layers with people or how you could. And if you do but you're not saying it, how you could say it better, right, and how you could talk about that better. Because I think when you're able to, a, break down the process into parts, but, b, explain what those parts are and why they're important, people really, like, latch onto that and understand that. And whenever I talk about the breath work, for example, and all of the different things that it does, then people are like, oh, wow. The subconscious, I really need that.

Or, oh, wow. Releasing limiting beliefs, I really need that. You're giving them all these possibilities for them to, like, latch onto so that they can see themselves in it and be like, oh, wow. That's something that I really need. There's that piece, but then also thinking about how you address these multi dimensions with people.

And when I say that, I just mean, like, the body, the emotional field, the energy field, the mind, like, all of the parts of us that create our experience of reality. We wanna be able to address all of those with people so that they're shifting energy on multiple levels. And I think that this is really important because the way that I see this is, you know, the, like, whack a mole thing, like, the game where, like, it keeps popping up and you keep hitting it down? I feel like if we don't address all of the levels, then it's like whack a mole, and they it just keeps popping up somewhere else, and then we just keep hitting it because we're not addressing all of it. So then for me, with my process, which is breath work, energy work, and my trauma clearing tools, I explain how the breath work will address the level of the body, the energy work addresses the emotional or the energy field, and the trauma clearing process addresses the mind.

Now let me just say this because I think this is really important. These tools that I've created, in a lot of ways, like, breast work addresses more than just the body. Energy work addresses more than just the energy field at times, and the trauma clearing process can address more than just the body. But it's the way that I'm explaining it. Right?

Like, it makes sense because I'm, like, attaching the breath work as the body. The energy work as the energy field. It's like a way that I'm, like, breaking it down and defining it for you so it makes sense to your logical brain. But, really, I could make an argument for why breathwork addresses the mind. You know what I mean?

Like but I'm not in the way that I'm talking about it because I'm appealing to, like, your logical mind as I'm talking about this process. And it does work. Right? Like, and breath work does address the body. So it's not like like it is true, but what I'm saying is I'm breaking it down and defining it in a way that you will easily understand and make sense to your brain, although it can be so much more.

But for the purposes of the way I'm explaining it, I'm doing it like this. And then this is the other really important part is where this is all coming from, and I'm gonna invite you to reflect on this for yourself after today. But the way that I look at this is all of the stuff that I've created is based on my knowledge, experience, and training, which adds up to my unique perspective. Right? And I think that this can be a piece that is interesting, right, because sometimes we can overly identify with, you know, our training, or we can overly identify with our experience or our knowledge.

But those are not the things that are you. They are parts of you, and there are things that you have gone through and learned that are not mistakes. And I think it's really important. As we move forward in the industry, it is very important to have training and a skill set. Right?

It's not just about, like, come be in my energy and things will change. Right? Like, we wanna have, like, a solid skill set. However, we also wanna allow all of those things to add up to your unique perspective on it. That's something that I focus on and always have focused on showcasing, like, the ways that I'm looking at trauma that you would read what I said and be like, oh, wow.

I never thought of it that way. That's something that I felt, but I could never articulate in words, and you just, like, articulated it for me. So that kind of thing where I'm sharing this unique perspective that I have, but I wouldn't have this perspective unless I had the experience I've had, the training I've had, and the knowledge. And it's also, like, my channel, my gifts, my abilities, all of that. Right?

It all adds up. But because of all of those 3 things, I'm able to have this very unique perspective that is, like, a culmination of all of that. Those are just all really important ingredients in having your own process, right, and where it's coming from and then being able to showcase what is this very unique perspective that you have on this that someone would read it and be like, oh, wow. That's brilliant. I never thought of it that way.

That has been very helpful for me in growing my business and also just people looking at me as more of, like, an expert and authority or a thought leader because I've been able to articulate that very well. And, also, the other thing with this too that I think is important that I think can hold some people back too is, like, being afraid of being wrong or being afraid of people disagreeing with you. I mean, that is a whole another issue, but I will address it for a, like, a little bit here. And I will say that there's always a different perspective. But part of, you know, becoming known for your results is just being able to share your unique perspective and showcase it and being okay with people disagreeing with you.

And I think that's a really important thing because I think sometimes what can happen for healers, especially, who are empathic and who are sensitive. And I know for me, this happens to me all the time because I literally can see every perspective of every situation at the same time and it's annoying sometimes. And I'm sure you guys feel the same way and that's okay. But being able to share a unique perspective that is in alignment with what it is that you do and what it is that you're sharing, and that's, like, driving people to understand where you're coming from, understand at another time, you might say something different, and that's okay. Also, it's, like, okay that you might have 1 view on something at 1 time and 1 view at another time, and that's okay.

And I think especially for sensitive empathic healers, it can be hard sometimes to be really, like, strong about something because you're like, oh, well, I could see it the other way too, and that's okay. But we wanna be able to just share a unique perspective on something that's gonna showcase not only, like, how you look at it, but why this perspective could be the thing that could help somebody. When we have something that we are regularly doing with people, we understand it, people understand it, and then we're able to become known for it. Not only is it important so people understand what you're doing, but it's also important for you because as you do it more and more, you gain a deeper and deeper level of understanding of why it works, how it works, and then your ability to explain how it works. This is why in the certification, you practice over and over and over again because the more that you work with people and you implement your process, the more you're gonna understand how it works and the more you're gonna be able to talk about it.

What a lot of healers end up doing is not realizing that you actually do have a process. So this was me as well. And I know for some of you, if you're, like, earlier on in your journey as a healer, then you might not have a process yet, and that's okay. But you probably have more than you think. So when I first launched my business, I was just working with people privately.

And then I launched my group program, which was the metamorphosis. And then people started going through that, and they started getting these really powerful results, clearing familial and ancestral trauma and understanding their purpose and what they're meant to do and all of these things. And I was like, oh, wow. This is a process that works. Right?

And that's when I started to really understand that I had a process, but it took me a little bit of time because I thought that it was just me. In the beginning, I thought, oh, well, it's just me or my energy or it's just the breath work, right? But it actually wasn't. It was a process process that I was doing. I just didn't allow myself to articulate what it was that I was doing.

So I would definitely recommend to you, especially if you are already working with clients, to sit down and just think about what it is that you're actually doing because you probably already have a process that you can articulate. And you might need help, you know, articulating it, and we can talk about how you can get support with that. But you probably already have more than you think, and you're already doing more of a process than you think. It's just about not only articulating it, but curating it, nurturing it, defining it so that you can break it down into different parts and be able to explain it. So when you have a process that is unique to you based on your knowledge, training, and experience, your results are predictable and you easily become known for them.

When you have a process and you know how it works and why it works, the results that people get will be more predictable. Right? However, it's not gonna be that the same thing happens with the same person every time. I think we all know that. And also, like, we can never exactly predict what's gonna happen with people.

However, you can predict that something's gonna happen. Like, I know that when I work with somebody with my process, something's happening. I can't tell you exactly what it's gonna look like, how long it's gonna take, or what it's gonna be. You know, they might come to me for 1 thing, and what they get is something completely different. But they're getting something that they're supposed to get.

I know that. So once you have a process that you can articulate, you can then say that your results are predictable, not in what they will be, but that they will be, that they will happen. Right? And then you start to get really confident in that, and then you can speak with a level of knowing about that that will naturally draw people to you. Right?

And I think that this is is another really important piece of the puzzle here is just being able to show up and speak to what you're doing with a level of knowing and a level of conviction because you've seen the results that people get and you've seen what happens. So you're able you just, like, embody it because you're just like, this is just what happens. You know? And that's what started to happen for me, especially after the first few times of running the metamorphosis and just seeing the results that people got. And then I was able to say and hold the energy that the results that people got were very predictable.

Okay. So now I'm just breaking down my process and showing you, like, how I explain it so that it could be helpful for you when you reflect on your own. I'm gonna be showing you how I break down each part of my process so that people really understand it deeply and are able to latch on to certain things about me that make me unique and that they can, like, remember me for. So but I've been practicing for 23 years. That's like a that's a very big part of my story and something that kind of makes me stand out because most people don't become a breathwork facilitator at, like, 20 years old.

So that's definitely just the thing that I always share because it's unique to my story, and it's something that I've become known for that, like, people know about me. And it's something that, like, if I go on podcast, for example, like, I'm always gonna share that. Right? Because that's something that people would be like, oh, wow. I'm gonna remember that or that's different.

I always talk about what my method of breath work specifically does and why. Not only do I say, like, it clears familial and ancestral trauma and old patterns and beliefs, I'll also explain how it does it. So, for example, if you've ever heard me on a podcast talking about breath work, you will literally hear me say the same thing over and over and over again, and that's okay. And that's the other thing too is we can't be afraid to say the same thing over and over again because everyone needs to hear it over and over again. Again.

And I'm sure you can even think of, like, some people that you like to listen to that you like hearing them say the same thing over and over again because it just reminds you that that thing is true, and it makes you feel like, oh, yeah. Totally. That's true. And it brings you back to, like, this frequency that you wanna be at. Right?

So it's totally fine to say the same thing over and over again. When I talk about why my breath work works, I'm literally always saying the same few things. Like, it brings you into the present moment. It gives you access to the quantum field. It gives you access to the subconscious mind, and then I explain how it clears patterns and beliefs and familial and ancestral trauma so that people understand just, like, on a more mechanical level, like, why that works.

And I just wanna say, I have no background in, like, like, science or anything around, like, why the breath actually works. It's literally just been from my doing it, experiencing it, and my training, obviously. But, like, just watching it, it's kind of like a an explanation that I came up with just based on what I was witnessing on a physical, on a, you know, psychic, intuitive, energetic level, and I just came up with my own explanation for it. But I think it really makes a lot of sense and other people do too. So it's just what I came up with based on all of those things.

And then also the fact that I connect you with your purpose. And, again, that's another thing that I have just gotten from all of this time of doing this is that most people who do this work will connect with if they don't already know their purpose, they'll connect with it, or they'll connect with a deeper level of it, or they'll connect with the next iteration of it or, like, what they're meant to do next or how they're meant to move forward, like, that kind of thing. Like I said, this is where I really anchored my business and my message breath work and I put it in the middle as, like, the nucleus, and then I have all of these things that, like, come out of it. So I'd also encourage you to find out, like, what that thing is for you. And it's also okay if you don't have that yet.

There's multiple ways to get there, and we'll talk about that later. So then for the energy work piece, the way that this piece happened is I just started naturally channeling it during breath work, so it kind of evolved into what it is now. I did learn energy work a little bit from some other people. And then also, like, as I learned the Akashic records, I kind of, like, put some things together that I learn, and then also I just started channeling it as people were doing breath work. So what ended up happening is that I made a process out of it.

I do the same thing every time and it works. With the energy work, it's like I have a whole process that I've created, and this is part of what I teach in the certification too. I literally just have 14 or 15 steps of how you do it and then why you do every step. This is something that kind of just was like the next piece that was born out of the breath work that addresses the energy field. It it addresses things on, like, a frequency level, and then it also is the type of thing where we can use it to clear out any frequencies or energies that are no longer wanted and, like, replace it with what we do want.

And this piece is important, and it's important that I explain it and break it down and then also talk about why it is a necessary piece within all of this others other stuff. Right? So it addresses the energy and emotions, and then I can explain it, the why behind it and why it works. So this is where I wanna challenge you as healers because I know y'all do energy work. Right?

But have you sat and thought about each part of it and why you do it? And I know you know why, but it's important to explain why. And I think that that's another thing that we can call ourselves forward to do is to explain the nuance of these things that just come naturally to you or it's just something that you naturally do, but it's like why. And then even for people who would understand why, they still wanna hear you say why. And then the trauma tools is the other part of my process, and these were created from my experience working with traumatized children and my natural gifts and abilities, which created my unique perspective.

So a lot of my unique is, like, 1 of those anchors in my business, the trauma, I would say, is the other anchor in my business. And me sharing my unique perspective on the way that I see it is a really big part of, like, what I focus on becoming known for. For example, when I'm teaching this in my certification, I'm teaching, like, these very grounded concepts of, like, how trauma shows up, what core wounding is, how it looks in certain people. Right? I have taken my own observations in the world and created a perspective on it and tools around that perspective that people can use to create change.

This 1 is a little bit different because, a, we're working on the level of the mind mostly. Right? And the reason why I say these tools work on the level of the mind is because we acknowledge things through intellectualizing them. Right? So if you're bringing something to me and I'm saying, like, okay.

This sounds like actually what's happening underneath the surface here is your core wounding of I'm not good enough. I'm literally just taking what you told me and showing you, like, a different perspective on it so that your mind can acknowledge that this is the perspective, this is the thing that I'm acknowledging so that I can shift it. So that now my mind can see, oh, I'm not good enough, and then my mind can recognize that in all other situations of my life. So that's why I say the trauma tools relate to the mind. So it's like a lens that your mind can look at things through to then shift your perspective to look at it differently.

And then about the results. Right? So when you have a predictable process, people get results every time, and then it becomes easy to articulate and explain what it is that you're doing with people because you're watching the results that they're getting. I think when you watch people get results, that's a place where your brain can go, okay, What's happening here? How did I get this person from a to b, and how can I explain that?

Knowledge, experience, and training coming together to form your unique perspective is kind of like the formula, I would say, to creating your process. And then also, like, if you do already have a process, also just reflecting on how you can either break it down differently or just explain it differently so that people understand it more deeply or might feel more magnetized to it because of the way you're explaining it. Because half of this is just being able to explain what you do in a simple way that people will understand and know that they need it. This is also the other piece about just being able to explain it and being able to articulate it well so that people understand what it is, how it's different, and how it could be the answer for them. I know that there are people here who are at various places where some of you are just figuring out what you're gonna do and what your process is, and some of you have been doing it for a longer time.

So it's gonna depend kind of, like, where you're at. But reflecting on for now, like, what is your process and how you could break it down either differently than you are or how you can break it down in general. And I would challenge you to break it down into 3 parts like I did, and then explaining what those 3 parts are, why they work, and then how they work together to create a result. Okay. So I have a little homework for you.

This is nonpressury, but you can totally do this. And I will, um, post this in the group as well. Reflect on your own process, your unique perspective, and why what you do works. How can you address multiple dimensions with people so they get a predictable result? And what else did this bring up for you or what else pops?

And feel free to share any of this in the group. I love to hear your findings or what came up for you so we can all kind of share in the group. I feel really passionately about giving you some things that you can really latch onto and understand just more tangibly because sometimes we can end up overly focusing on the energetic and spiritual stuff. But sometimes in order to grow a business and make money, we just really need some practical things that make sense to the logical brain that we can apply and move forward. Sometimes it's important to separate the spiritual from the business.

Yes. They go together in so many ways, and, obviously, I'm a huge believer of that. Most of my work is centered around that. But I also think there's just some very practical business y things that are just important to understand. 1 of the things I've learned over the years, especially as somebody who is super spiritual, If we want to really grow the business and continue to make more and more money, it is really important to just have a really strong focus in why we're doing what we're doing and where is it leading people.

Because I think what can happen is we get really excited about the work that we're doing. We get really excited about what we're teaching. And I did this for a long time in the beginning of my business where I would be like, oh my gosh. I got this download. There's this thing.

I'm gonna teach it. And then it's like, okay. Cool. But then, like, how is that driving people into my business in a sustainable way? And we really wanna be thinking about that if we're wanting to grow a business that's also just sustainable over the long term.

We wanna be thinking about the bigger picture of it and just, like, what you want that to look like. 1 of the things that I really learned over the years is to really be focused in what I'm doing and what I'm sharing and having a why behind it. And I think that was a place where I kind of plateaued at a certain point because in the beginning, it was like everyone was coming in because it was new, and there was all of these downloads that I was getting and things that I wanted to teach and things that I felt guided to do. But that only got me so far until I had to really decide, like, okay. How do I wanna structure this in a way that feels really good to me?

What does the client journey look like, and where am I leading people into, and how does it all fit together? It really does require planning things out and just thinking about it from a higher level rather than just, like, going from 1 thing to the other or, like, just having private clients or whatever it is and not that there's anything wrong with any of that stuff. It's just about how we evolve past that and how I started to think about things so that I was evolving past it. I started out doing bigger private packages, so premium private packages. And then it quickly evolved into being a combination of private and my first group program, which was the metamorphosis.

So my 5 figure months pretty much stacked from a combination of private and group, but it was more from private in the beginning, especially. So when I say premium private packages, we wanna be thinking about creating a package that is a multiple thousands of dollars that people work with you for extended amount of time, and that you are adding value in that, meaning that you it's not just like, okay. We have, like, 1 call a week, and that's it. It's like designing something that you're kind of taking somebody on a journey. And then what can you add to it so that it's adding value so that you charge a larger amount of money for the container.

So just thinking about, like, what you would want that journey to be, and it's not just about, like, okay. You're gonna, like, get on a call with me. It's, like, thinking about the first day, what your process is and where you're taking people, and then basing a journey of a private client package on that process to think about where you're taking somebody. What I used to always do for my private packages, and this works really well, I would give people my program, The Metamorphosis, as well. And the reason why I started doing that is because The Metamorphosis is literally my foundational body of work.

It's everything you would need to clear familial and ancestral trauma, discover your purpose, untangle from your limiting beliefs. Like, it's all of that foundational work. So it helps me for my clients to have access to that so that way they can be working on that in the interim. And then when they come to me, we're just talking about the stuff that they've done inside the metamorphosis. So it gives our work together a focus, plus it makes things a lot easier for me because I'm not repeating myself over and over again.

So now that adds a ton of value to the package because I'm giving them this library of information and tools that they will have for the rest of their life, and they can use it in the context of our work together. So then, you know, for me to charge, like, 7000 dollars for them to work with me for 3 months, which I think is what I did in the beginning, this is a container. It's a journey. Right? So that's how I thought of it in the beginning.

And then 1 of the things that worked really well for me is I would create for people what I called energetic stepping stones. To me, I think this is a really great way of bringing people in because not everybody's ready to sign on for, like, a longer thing in the beginning. So what I did in the beginning is I would create, like, a 1 off session or, like, a smaller thing for them to come into that then would lead them into a bigger thing. It's worked really well for me. Sometimes what I would do is I would have people come into a a session that I would offer a 1 off session that's, like, specifically around ancestral trauma or something for business.

And then whatever they paid for that 1 off session, I would let them apply it to coming into a bigger package with me. And that worked really, really well because it's giving people access to you so they understand your work and it's like a smaller thing to lead into a bigger thing. I call them energetic stepping stones. And then what would happen when you bring people into a longer private package, you create recurring income, right, which to me is incredibly important to have as a foundation for your business. I'm always looking at what my recurring income is because that will give me a really good idea of where I'm at, basically.

Because then I know going into the top of the month, this amount of money in cash is coming in every month. Right? So I know that, and then anything else I sell is just, like, icing on the cake on top on top of that recurring income. I always recommend in the beginning to do, like, a longer private package where someone is paying you over time. So that way, if someone's coming in for a 3 month package and they're paying you over 3 months, then for the next 3 months, you have that recurring income coming in.

So it's a great way to just get things started and get regular money coming in, and then you kinda feel like you have, like, a base, and that's what it would start to feel like to me. You have, like, this base of money coming in all the time, and then you can kind of clock that as to, like, okay, well, how much recurring do I need to have to feel, you know, really solid, everything's covered plus, or, you know, I wanna have this much recurring so that I can have this mentorship and I can pay for this container. And then there's also just thinking about, like, the cash in versus revenue thing. So, you know, a lot of people will say, I had like a like a 50 ks month or whatever, but it's like cash versus revenue. So you could have had 50 k in sales, but only 20 k of cash coming in.

And it's just important to, like, clock the difference between those 2 things because sometimes it can get confusing. Like, now in my business, I really am only looking at cash coming in every month because I I think in the beginning, it's exciting to kinda see, like, oh, wow. I've had this much money in sales, so the business brought in this much money. But if people are on payment plans, then that's gonna be coming out over time. It's not all coming in at once.

So I always will look at the difference between those 2 things so I can kind of get an idea of, like, this is how much money the business brought in this month, and that's great. However, what is the cash that's actually being deposited into my bank account? And as your business grows more and more too, you'll care less and less about, like, the sales aspect just because, like, let's be real. There's always people who are on a payment plan and, like, don't continue in a program. However, it is nice sometimes to look at.

There's been you know, even this week, if I look at my sales, yeah, my, like, revenue for the business this week has probably been, like, 40000 dollars. Right? But that's not all cash coming into my bank account. The last thing this, like, sort of happened for me, but I see this happen for a lot of people where, like, once you start working with a bunch of private clients and especially over longer periods of time, then that really works to inform your group program. Because once you start working with private science, you realize that everyone has the same issues, and you can create a group program around that.

And you'll be able to answer a lot of people's questions at once, and then you can be serving more people at 1 time, and you can bring more money in. So for me, it didn't really go exactly in that order. When I first started my business, I had just private clients, and then I started The Metamorphosis probably a couple months later, but it took me a little while to build The Metamorphosis. I think for me, like, now that I'm looking back on it, I feel like I launched my group program I don't wanna say too early, but I'll just say it took me a little while to build the group program up to, like, the point where there was a good amount of people in it. I would say when I launched it, it took me maybe, like, 3 or 4 months of really, like, launching it to get a good group in it.

And sometimes that happens and it takes time. I think that what happened too when, like, the coaching industry kinda blew up in 20 20 is that people were like, oh, wow. I can just, like, put something out on the Internet and, like, people will pay me and I'll make money, but it's really not that easy. It has to be something that you diligently, like, rework over and over again to figure out how to articulate it in a way that, you know, makes sense to people. That's more of what I talked about around the process.

But I will say overall, as you work with more and more private clients, that will give you a lot of great information as to what you want your group program to be. And then the 5 figure months get to be a combination of the private clients and the group and then recurring income from both of those things. The pricing aspect too, we want to be thinking about pricing that feels good, and people always ask me this question. First of all, obviously, you wanna be thinking about what feels good to you to charge and not what other people are charging. And this is something that I have gone through with so many people.

You want to kind of meet yourself where you're at, but also, like, stretch yourself a little bit. For example, like, I'll never tell people what to charge ever because I think it's a personal thing and everyone should decide on their own. But I'm not gonna tell you what to charge. You should always figure that out for yourself and start at what feels good because I always say the best way to embody pricing is by charging something and then feeling that it wasn't enough or it didn't feel good, and then you raise it, and then you're embodied in it because you feel that other thing wasn't enough, so you feel that this next thing is, And it's embodied because you experienced it. So I think that's the best way to do it.

And you also just wanna be thinking about, if I'm gonna be having a business that sustains and supports me, and also I'm gonna be placing a value on the work and the transformation that people are getting in my business, then, like, what would I be charging? And you also wanna think about too all of the knowledge, training, and experience that you have, everything that you've invested in your evolution, consider that when you're creating pricing as well because I think that sometimes we can not remember all of the value that we bring. Think about everything that you are bringing to the table. Think about all of the knowledge, training, and experience that you have that you're bringing into this based on everything that you've invested in for yourself. That's another important piece when you're designing a private package is where are we going?

What is this person getting to in the end? And we wanna be really articulate with that. Right? We wanna be really explicit with where are we going. And it can be hard sometimes with, like, spiritual and healing work because it's not tangible, but it usually produces a tangible result in your life or in the lives of your clients.

So it's important to own that and state that, and this was something that has been a journey for me, an evolution for me, for sure. Like I always say sometimes, I'm like, oh my gosh, I'm so sick of talking about money. But the truth of the matter is money is a very great way to measure. If I can say, oh, this person came through this process with me and now they've sustained 30 k months. It's a very solid indicator, right?

If they came to me and their income was, you know, less than 10 k a month and now it's at 30 k, that's a great way of explaining growth. Is it the only way? No. And it doesn't have to be the only tangible result that we talk about, but the reason why I use it a lot is just because it's easy to grab on to. To.

But we also wanna think about what are the other things that are easy to grab on to that we can use as a tangible result of, like, this is where we're going. The other thing is how the money stacks a private verse group thing. My private packages, now it includes the mothership, which is my membership that you get access to all my programs and master classes. So once you're, like, in a private package with me, it's like you get access to everything. Right?

And I've always done it like that because it's beneficial for you and me, and it adds value because if you start working with a bunch of private clients and you notice that you're repeating yourself over and over again, that's when you have a group program. And then it's the same thing now for me with my private clients is I'm gonna give them access to everything so they have all the tools that they need. They've learned all of this stuff. And now in private, we can just expand on it. And I think private would usually in the past, not really now, but in the past, especially further into the beginning of my business, would have constituted for at least half of my recurring income.

So that was a reality for me for a while. And then beyond that, I would have my group program. So for a long time, I was riding that wave around 20 k of recurring. With the group programs, I would create these, like, mini offers that would lead people into 1 of my group programs. And usually, I would try to make it related to the group program that I was driving people into.

And these would work really well too, and I think it's important to think about this especially if you already have a group program or you're creating your first group program. Think about, like, an energetic stepping stone, like a mini offer that you could do to lead people into it. And I would take a part of my group program or something that was related to it and create, like, a smaller offer based on that. When I was launching The Metamorphosis again, I did a mini offer called The Birth Story Breakthrough, and then that led people into the metamorphosis. So that was, like, super simple because I took the first module of the metamorphosis, and I just made it into its own thing, but I, like, expanded on it.

So it wasn't just like I was teaching the first module. I expanded on it. I created more tools around it, and I went really deep into it. And then I think everyone that did that ended up signing up for the metamorphosis after that because they had such a profound experience, and it was just such a perfect lead in to the metamorphosis. So I do recommend doing something like that, especially if you're creating your first group program because it is really helpful to create these energetic stepping stones for people, especially if you're newer and people don't know your work or people aren't used to your work or your group program is like totally new, it's just a great way to lead people in and start to, you know, give people a way to get to know you and experiencing you without diving in head first to a bigger thing.

And then, of course, that would also obviously add to the cash. So the other thing that's related to this, especially if you're creating your first group program or premium private package is just like ways of growing your audience and also referrals. Like, I had a lot of referrals in the beginning of my business. It was really helpful for me in growing my business and growing my audience. The 2 biggest things that contributed to me growing my audience and getting the clients referrals or new clients from teaching in other people's containers since I really positioned myself as a breath work expert and I anchored my brand into breath work, people would reach out and ask me to teach breath work in their containers.

Then I created the packages around my process. I created the programs, the group programs. Right? And then it's like, okay. Where are we going here?

And where is this all leading to? What I really saw starting to happen for me, and then what I really intentionally decided to do was take my process, what I do, and turn it into a movement. What does this process do? It clears familial and ancestral trauma so that people can be who they're meant to be on the planet and live in the way that they're meant to live. It's so that people can find freedom, liberation, live in a new way, create the new Earth.

That's my movement. And my process allows you to move in that direction. So that's where we're really moving from, you know, just having clients and putting offers out there to creating a personal brand because there's always a movement behind a brand. So that's kind of where this is all leading. So that's what I really started to think about next and how every program or offering ends up leading back to this, and then what the client journey is inside of my business, and having places to go for people.

Because and this is what I was talking about in the beginning. I think that I got to this point where it was like, okay, I'm thinking of all these things that I wanna offer, and I always I always have ideas. Right? But then I had to start to think about, okay, what is my brand? What is my movement?

And how are these things all working together? And how do they make sense for somebody to come into my world and stay in my world. As I started to create more and more programs and offerings, and then they started to move into what is now the mothership, which is my membership, I'm like, oh, wow. Every single thing inside the mothership helps you in some way deal with and shift 1 of the things that come up as you're growing a business. Right?

So essentially, everything in the client journey is allowing you to use my process to heal and shift the things that come up as you grow your business. So there's, like, all of these things that are taking people on this journey to the movement that I'm taking them on. So then it was like, okay. How do all of these things work together? And then that's how I started to build and build.

And, obviously, I have other things. Right? Like, I have my certification. That's for you if you want to learn my process, which will subsequently allow you to create your own process to work with clients. Right?

And then I have the sacred 6 figure initiation, which is if you already have a business, you already have a process, and you want to get to 6 figure years and 5 figure months, that's how you get there. So there's, like, all of these intentionally sought out places for people to go that make sense when they're all put together. And that was a place that I really needed to call myself forward into. It was like this place of evolution for me beyond, like, okay. I'm just, like, sharing what is coming through or what I think people should learn to how does this body of work all fit together to create a journey for people to this movement.

And then it also creates continuity for people so they want to stay inside my world. And then I have client retention and recurring income that easily creates 5 figure months, so I'm not thinking about that. Now I'm gonna talk about the changes in the industry that I'm seeing. I think this is really important because we have to be aware of just what's happening here and why certain things have happened and kind of, like, where we're going and how to think about it. Like I said, I think in 20 20 when COVID happened, a lot of people were starting businesses.

A lot of people were getting into healing and spirituality. And I think that it was a lot easier to kind of sell ideas or energies or, you know, come into this container with me and we're going to, like, go deep and it's going to be, like, you know, a spiritual thing and it's about the energy and the frequency and all of that. And I feel like I sold a lot of stuff like that in the beginning, but I'm noticing a shift in that. And it doesn't feel like that type of selling is working as much anymore because I feel like kind of people are not that people don't want spiritual evolution, I feel like they do, but also now people it feels like the landscape has shifted and now it's more about what is the result and how can I clearly understand what this is? That's why I've been talking so much about the process because I feel like there is this shift in the simplicity.

And I've noticed for myself that the more and more I simplify the way I'm talking about things, the way I'm sharing my content, the easier it lands for people. So for example, with the certification, it's just like breath work, energy work, and trauma work, these things address the body, mind, and energy field so that your clients get results. So I feel like that is another important change that we're seeing. And then also, human connection, I feel, is really important in maybe different ways than before. I feel like that's gonna be really important coming up in this year is just having genuine human connection and interaction, especially because the way that so many people are like writing now on the Internet is using AI, who's even saying what you're reading?

Where is it even coming from? You know what I mean? I mean, I can always tell if it's AI, but I don't know if everybody can. I'm sure you guys can too. But my whole point is I think genuine human connection is what is going to not only sell things but also provide value for people.

I think innovative ways of finding human connection also are gonna be really important, just like different ways of connecting. For example, I've been super into doing Voxer broadcast or doing these Telegram chats or things like that that doesn't necessarily need me to come on a Zoom call, but it's still providing this level of connection that feels fun. It feels in the moment. It's your voice, so it's obviously you. It's like real.

So I've just been really thinking about this, especially in the last 3 or 4 months of just fun, innovative ways to create connection inside my business, inside my brand, and inside my community that is just different than things I've done before or what I've seen before. I also have been feeling really called lately to have just more in person interaction. I think that provides just something totally different. I think we're gonna see as, you know, people are just getting sick of being online all the time. Not that there's anything wrong with it because the Internet is amazing.

It provides us ways that we can all be together with being all over the world. So it's amazing, but I also think just any kind of genuine human connection, in person things. I'm doing another retreat in April. I felt really called to do that, to just have that in person connection. So I do think that that is something that is really important this year.

And then also, obviously, thought leadership, like I was saying before, and also your unique perspective. I think any way that you can showcase your thought leadership and your unique perspective unapologetically is really important because it's also just like you. There might be somebody who would talk about what I just talked about in a completely different way from a completely different perspective and like neither 1 of us are right or wrong, it's just our unique perspective. And I feel like being unapologetic about that and just owning that is really powerful because it's not like you're trying to be anything different, you're just being you and you're just sharing what's true for you, what's real for you based on all of your knowledge, who you are, and what your truth is, and just illuminating things for people that they might not have thought of before or showing them a perspective that is really, really helpful for them, that is what draws people to you and helps you stand out. And I feel like now more than ever, that is something that people really value.

Other changes in the industry, I just think these are things that we're going to, at least for me and I see, place a high value on is just spiritual evolution and spiritual intelligence. So just really evolving our human, evolving how we're seeing things, evolving our perception of things, being able to take a higher perspective on things easily, I think, is going to help us along a lot more quickly when it comes to growing your business. Like, being able to hold multiple perspectives at the same time, not getting into, like, good or bad, right or wrong thinking, not looking at what we need to fix or what we need to change or what problem we need to solve, and really just continuing to move forward from more of like a solution oriented focused place, I think is how I'm seeing the clearest path forward here, And that's spiritual evolution and intelligence is being able to not get wrapped up in what other people are doing or comparing yourself to other people or feeling bad about yourself or feeling like there's something wrong with you and just being like, no. This is where I'm going. This is what I'm doing and just moving forward.

And, obviously, if if there are things that you need to look at or things that you need to change along the way, you will know that. I think that this is evolving this year where the mentorship relationship is so much more about evolution, learning, value, connection, and less about just come be in my energy. And, like, through osmosis, things will change. Because I think we saw a lot of that earlier on and I feel like that's really shifting. And then also having a really clear goal for each space, I feel like is really important for me too.

This space is for this, this space is for this, this space is for this. And, of course, there's gonna be some overlap, obviously, but every space inside the business has a very clear focus. And just the focus being on real support to, like, get from a to b versus just being around someone. And like I said, I think we saw a lot of that earlier on, but I do see those things as just it feels like things are getting more tangible, which is interesting because I feel like just from an evolutionary, spiritual, and astrological perspective, we're really evolving spiritually. But it all also feels like there's this need for things to be, like, more tangible as well or more amplified and results oriented.

So I think just having these awarenesses as you grow and just thinking about, like, how you can simplify things and how you can just make things easy for yourself really and not overcomplicate things and think about where you want to start and where you want to put your focus that is gonna make the most sense for you to move forward quickly and just focusing on that and not worrying about anything else. So the certification would be for you if you want to work with clients, you're not a hundred percent clear on what you would do, or you work with clients already, but you wanna really deepen your skill set to be able to create transformation with people and deepen your own process and evolve your own process, the Metamorphosis method is for that. And then also, the Sacred 6 Figure Initiation, that is if you have a process, you have a business, and you want to get to 5 figure months or 6 figure years. That container is much more business focused, is gonna be more focused on creating content, on creating offers. It's much more business y.

Although, obviously, with my work, there's always gonna be the evolution piece. There's always gonna be the trauma piece. There's always gonna be all of that because it always comes up. Alright. I'm sending you guys so much love. Thank you so much for being here, and I will talk to you soon 

Alyse: Thank you so much for being here. Don't forget to subscribe to the show, leave a review and share the show with your friends who you know are yearning for this type of content. When you leave a review, send us a screenshot and we'll send you a $250 credit, you can apply to anything else in my world. You can stay connected with me by following me on Instagram at alyse_breathes and by joining my Facebook group, financial freedom for spiritual entrepreneurs, where I share all of my most fun and potent content.
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